
Representative of the 6th Vietnam Petroleum Congress to visit President Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

On 3/5, the delegation of the Vietnam Oil and Gas Union (DKVN) attended the 6th VNVN Congress, the tenure of 2018-2023 visited Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum and offered incense at the British Monument. martyr martyr Bac Son.
The leader of the delegation was Mr. Nghiem Thuy Lan, Member of the Executive Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Chairman of the Communist Party of Vietnam. In the delegation, there were leaders of Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group; the comrades in the Standing Committee, Executive Committee of the VGD, and 250 delegates representing over 57,000 people working in the Vietnam Oil and Gas.

The delegation of DKVN paid flowers and visited President Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

Before President Ho Chi Minh’s spirit, the delegates expressed their gratitude to the genius leader of the nation, who paid much attention to the leadership, direction and devotion to the working class. trade unions.

Delegates of the Communist Party of Vietnam paid a visit to President Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum.

On the same day, the delegation also came to lay wreaths and commemorate the heroic martyrs at the Heroic Martyrs Memorial (Bac Son Road, Hanoi). Carefully devoted himself to the martyrs of martyrs, union officials expressed their gratitude to the elite children of the nation have no blood, bones, brave sacrifice for the cause of struggle for national liberation, because Freedom of the Fatherland, for the happiness of the people.

Delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam (DKVN) offered incense at the Monument to Heroic Martyrs of Bac Son

Representatives commemorate the heroic martyrs.

The sixth GCVN Congress, the term of 2018-2023 is an important political event which is the great festival of all cadres, party members and employees of the oil and gas industry.

The congress took place on May 3-4, with the slogan of action: “Unite, dynamic, creative, determined to overcome challenges, for the sustainable development of Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group Nam, for the benefit of unionists, workers “.

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